The Mission Diocese supports various churches in training workers through a scholarship program
In order for Churches to grow and strengthen, they need able workers who are properly trained. The Mission Diocese supports these efforts by offering a scholarship program that enables Churches to send people for studies. The main emphasis is on Pastoral training, but other Church workers are also included in the scholarship program.
The Mission Committee oversees the scholarship program. Each scholarship is adopted by a single congregation. This is done so that the congregation not only funds the scholarship, but also prays for the student. The students report to their adopted congregations on a regular basis.
The Mission Diocese supports work done amongst the Jarai-people, who live in Vietnam and Cambodia. The Mission Diocese supported the translation of Luther’s Small Catechism into the Jarai language.
Currently the Mission Diocese offers scholarships for young Jarai men to train as Pastors, so that they can return to their people and set up new Lutheran congregations.
This work is done in collaboration with the Garuna Foundation.
The Mission Diocese supports Lutheran Churches in East Africa train their workers by offering scholarships to Neema Theological College in Matongo, Kenya. The college offers training for Pastors in both Diploma and Bachelor level. The college also trains Deaconesses.
Matongo serves East Africa widely, drawing students from various countries. The college is known for its quality confessional Lutheran training.