The Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland (Suomen evankelisluterilainen lähetyshiippakunta, Lhpk) is an independent lutheran church formed by its member congregations. It has been founded to carry out the mission given by the Lord to the Church by supporting the congregations, their pastors and members for the preservation, renewal and spreading of the Christian faith and life.
The Mission Diocese is led by a Bishop elected jointly by the clergy and congregational representatives, together with the diocesan administrative organs. Its activities are directed by the Diocesan Order (constitutional rules) validated by the Diocesan Assembly.
The pastors and other employees its congregations are employed by the background organisations that are responsible for the economy of the congregations. The background organisations are supporting members of the Mission Diocese.
The Mission Diocese is part of the Nordic and worldwide community of confessional Lutherans. The Mission Diocese co-operates with many Lutheran churches, dioceses and organisations.
The Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland builds its teaching and activities on the intact foundation of the Lutheran heritage of faith. The Mission Diocese confesses the biblical faith and teaching that is based on the prophetic and apostolic writings of the Old and New Testament and that is expressed in the Lutheran confessions. The Mission Diocese holds as its highest principle that all teaching, practice and life should be tested, executed and directed by the word of God.
The Mission Diocese aspires to nourish the hearers with the preaching of the Gospel, to deepen the knowledge of the Christian faith by teaching and to revive devotional life in homes with hymns and prayers. The varied publications of the Diocese also serve this basic mission of the congregations.
Founding Document
The Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland was founded when the representatives of the congregations signed the founding document. It describes shortly the reasons that were behind founding of the Diocese. At the same time it publicly states the confession of the Diocese and calls for others to join in the work of renewing Lutheran congregational life in Finland.
Diocesan Order
The purpose, structure and operative rules of The Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland are described in the Diocesan Order. In part one it describes the confession, nature and mission of the Diocese. Part two describes the different administrative bodies of the Diocese with their duties. Rules and regulations guiding the activities of the Diocese are described in part three.
Diocesan Order
Coat of Arms of the Diocese
The coat of arms depicts a golden background and a red cup with an octagonal thickening in its stand. The cup may be seen as a chalice that has one one side a golden host stamped with a red St George’s Cross with concave tips. On the other hand, the cup may be seen as a baptismal font. At baptism, the baptised are blessed with the holy sign of the cross.
Coat of Arms of the Bishop
The Bishop’s coat of arms depicts a golden background and a red cup with an octagonal thickening in its stand. The cup may be seen as a chalice that has one one side a golden host stamped with a red St George’s Cross with concave tips. On the other hand, the cup may be seen as a baptismal font. At baptism, the baptised are blessed with the holy sign of the cross.
Above the coat of arms is a mitre (Bishop’s hat). In the background of the coat of arms is a diagonally placed crosier (Bishop’s staff). On its top part of the staff is an octagonal ornament reminding of the eight beatitudes that Jesus stated in his sermon on the mount.